Adbaston Community
Concert Society
Supported by The Harding Trust
a little bit of history...
The Adbaston Community Group began its activities in September 2002 to provide social opportunities for the residents of Adbaston and the wider community which, until then, had been sadly lacking. Coffee mornings, social evenings, computer courses and a variety of other short courses on flower arranging, cake decorating and local history followed.
Musical events were an obvious addition to this list. The Vicar and Churchwardens of St Michael and All Angels Church, Adbaston, agreed to allow the concerts to be held in the church which is a beautiful venue with extremely good acoustics. English Pro Musica were approached and willingly offered their services with a very successful concert given by five of their brass players in September 2005. The concert was so well received that further ones were planned. It was suggested that we should join the Stafford District Arts Council whose support for the concerts has proved invaluable.
In 2007, a group of friends who had all shown an interest in music, met to discuss whether these concerts should continue in the form of a regular programme. The decision was unanimously in favour. The Adbaston Community Concert Society operates independently of the Adbaston Community Group but both organisations support each other where possible.
The Concert Society aims to present an interesting variety of programmes at an affordable price. Four concerts are organised each year by the committee and a patrons scheme is in place to allow friends of the concerts to provide further support for the costs of these events.