Adbaston Community
Concert Society
Supported by The Harding Trust
2024 Concert Programme
Our next Concert.....
Sunday 3rd November 2024... 5.30pm
"The Intermezzi" perform
'Seasons of our Lives'

Maximilian Catalano (Baritone)

Harriet Cameron (Soprano)

Alicia Hernandez (Piano)
The too short time - Finzi
Mein sehnen mein wähnen - Korngold
Sleep - Gurney
Looking backward - Parry
Now the leaves are falling fast - Britten
Pleurs d'or - Fauré
O du mein holder Abendstern Wagner -Tanhauser
Zu Ruh, Zu Ruh - Wolf
Is my team ploughing- Butterworth
Song of a nightclub proprietress - Dring
Im fruling - Wolf
Lovliest of trees - Butterworth
There was a lover and his lass - Vaughn Williams
If no one ever marries me - Lehmann
The foggy foggy dew - Britten
O mio bambino caro - Puccini
Loves Philosophy - Quilter
Dawn - Holst
Pastorale - Saint Saens
Silent moon - Vaughn Williams
Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa-Papagena - Mozart
Tickets £10 at the door, or reserve in advance via Pam Trafford 01785 280373 or email: trafford.pam@gmail.com
5:30pm: St Michael and All Angels Church, Adbaston, ST20 0QE
More concerts in our programme for you to look forward to:
4th May 2025: Manchester Camerata Principals
From our concert on 3rd September 2023
Here is a video of Ivelina Krasteva playing at Adbaston : an encore of Dubussey's 'The Girl with the Flaxen Hair'..
Copyright and thanks to Ivelina Krasteva and The Keyboard Charitable Trust (2023) for permission to reproduce this video extract here.
A Note by ACCS Chairman, Clive Kerridge
We were all deeply saddened by the death of our founder, guiding light and ACCS President, Audrey Newsome during the pandemic.
Audrey is fondly remembered and greatly missed by many of us. Below, several short obituaries in an appreciation can be accessed. These are by Committee members and associates, all of whom hope to continue with that mission that Audrey was so instrumental in defining.
Clive Kerridge (Chairman)
Adbaston Community Concert Society CIO